Bless Our Next Generation

Thesis 1

Our walk with God is the single most important part of our journey in life. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God that lives inside of you. Divine Potential allows you to have unlimited potential. In our youth, when we have our entire life it is imperative we take that journey with Jesus Christ. In John 15;5 Jesus said "I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in Me and Me in him, he shall bear much fruit. Without me you can do nothing". Choices must be made along your journey and making the right choices are critical. If you do not have Christ in your life, you will fail to develop your divine power and life will always be an uphill battle.The standards that Christ has set will allow you to access your inherent potential. It is the law of man's higher self and allows us to live a flourishing, thriving life. When Jesus ascended to Heaven, He sent down to man, the Holy Spirit to live within us. Man's major downall is our inability to realize the spiritual aspect that is very much a part of us. We acknowledge the input of our five senses but we fail to recognize our spirit within. Only through a true relationship with God are we truly able to thrive, to flourish. Our relationship with God begins with prayer, effective prayer. Jesus says in Mark 11:24 "All things that you pray for, believe that you have received what you ask for and it will be yours'. To clarify this very important statement, understand that when our subconscious mind receives a thought, you will automatically redirect your thoughts and action to the attainment of that goal. When we pray for things to happen outside of ourselves, it's imperative that we believe that it is truth and aligned with the will of God. Most people pray when they need something.They have no relationship with the Father and they want something and they want it now. This is a well documented fact. Jesus states in Luke 11:5-13 "Ask and it will be given unto you; Seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you; For everyone who asks receives; He who seeks will find. Which of you, if his son asks for bread will be given a stone. Or if he asks for a fish will be given a snake. So you, who are evil, knows how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give to you". Doubt is the major hindrance, blocking our prayers because we lack faith. Strengthen your faith by hearing the words of God again and again through the words of the New Testament of the Bible. It is so important that you know the promises Jesus made throughout His ministry. Mark 11:63 Jesus says "Truly I say to you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can so to this mountain move and toss it into the sea and have no doubt, it will be done for him. Reading and studying the Bible will strengthen your faith"

Bless Our Next Generation

Thesis 2

Jesus proclaimed in John 14:16 "I am the way, the truth and the life." The only way to the Father is through Me". The evolution of the soul requires that you seek truth, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Truth cannot be defined with words, only by living this truth by doing the Father's will, living righteously, and seeking truth through goodness and forgiveness. Truth is the "I Am' within you, your essence, your being, your spirit. Knowledge pertains to things observed through your five sences, Truth transcends material levels of existence. Knowledge deals with facts. Religion deals with relationships

Truth deals with the purely spiritual self. Natural man is slow to initiate changes in habits of thinking, involuntary ways of life. Mankind's main objective must be to live as Christlike as possible amidst the challenges, obstacles, environmental surroundings that exist as a part of your world. Truth and the search for truth can be received only through faith. Faith activates God. The stronger your faith the more powerful you become. Faith is a spiritual force but faith does not work alone. Faith works in conjunction with other spiritual forces of God as love, patience, love, prayer, hope, patience must all operate together. Truth and the search for truth can only be achieved through faith. Man's thoughts can never rise above his own thoughts, wisdom, ethics and ideals. The Divine truth, faith is predicated upon profound reflection, sincere self criticism and coexists with moral judgement and a pure conscience. Faith acts to release the supernatural and superhuman activities with possession of the Divine Spark. That Divine Spark is the life force that essentially is as living water within man which is the potential within our body, mind and spirit to live, act, be, to recognize our spiritual nature and live like Christ. Our life force gives us the energy to live and to function with the potentiality of eternal life. The Human spirit, the true "I AM' , is the energy, that life force that transforms itself into the spiritual energy that cannot be created or destroyed and goes back to where you came from. The Holy Spirit of God that lives within you goes back to your creator. We forget that physical death is a passageway back to our existence as energy rather than as souls interwoven with our physical body.


Bless Our Next Generation

Thesis 3

Spiritual evolution is the experience of increasing voluntary choice of goodness along with an equal progressive diminution of the possibility of evil and the progressive attainment of higher levels of understanding and consequential attainment along with restraint and self-control by doing God's will. The power of faith is that force that lives within. To obtain the knowledge and truth we must be as little children in that we put our complete trust in God. We believe we know better with the wisdom and knowledge within but surrendering our trust to the Lord will create a relationship essential to the evolution of the soul. The youth of America is heading down a dark path and unless we change our thought patterns and start walking by God's will, we will fail in life. Man has a conscience and subconscious, the powers of which we've only begun to utilize. Our subconscious mind will receive whatever thoughts you feed it. Feed your mind with positive thoughts. Whatever positive thoughts you give to your subconscious will be reflected in your actions. Anything you believe you can do, your actions will reflect your thoughts. You have this incredible propensity to shape your future. The spirit of God within you will transform your character, your spiritual nature, Christlike thoughts and actions will transform your existence. Begin to sow thoughts of peace, goodwill and charity, success, prosperity, good health and you will be the recipient of that which you believe to be true. You must unite mentally and emotionally with the goodness you want to embody. The subconscious mind is completely neutral. As a man think eth, he will become what he thinks about the most often

Bless Our Next Generation

Thesis 4

For one to succeed in life requires essential traits that must be developed and are an absolute necessity to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. God asks us to follow His Divine Laws.
Perseverance and self control are required to succeed in achieving goals, ambitions and dreams. Patience is essential in every area of life. If you believe in yourself and have the focus and well defined goals along with a strong belief and relationship with God, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to achieve. Stay away from toxic and negative people and relationships. Strengthen your interpersonal skills. Cultivate your imagination and creativity. Eliminate worry, fear, procrastination and negativity. They will steal your peace. A mature person strives for strength- strength of purpose, strength of mind and strength of character and integrity. Only these will give us peace of mind, serenity, joy and accomplishment. When we truly become aware of our divinity, our connection with God, then we are able to access divine wisdom, love and compassion and feel energized, enriched and revitalized. We live in a world of sowing and reaping. We begin by sowing seeds from the Holy Spirit that lives within us. Through the power of Holy Spirit we sow what we want to reap. With the wisdom of an unpublished law, you get what you give, sow seeds of love, joy, happiness and kindness, compassion and giving, practice gentleness and patience. Most people are takers but not givers. It's not about giving material things. It's about the giving of yourself to others. We live in a world of cycles and we live in a world of abundance. Man takes and takes but gives very little. It's almost as if we shut off the faset, don't give anything of ourselves but we expect the world to give to us. Again, we are not speaking of physical things. We are speaking of things of the heart. All people are one and united with the same divine spirit. The law of harmony is the divine flow of peace, love, compassion, surrendering to our divine plan and doing the will of God. It's all about getting into the divine flow of life instead of resisting God's will and making your will the focus of your carnal desires. Harmony causes everything to flourish; people, society, government, the inner man and his relationship with our Father in heaven. The Law of Abundance, critical to the healthy development of our mental and spiritual well being, focuses on the abundance of money, power, love, health, relationships, work, the joys of nature and an overall sense of unlimited opportunities and pleasures of life It's imperative we never never focus on limitations, scarcity, lack of resources and general malaise. We must live with the mindset that nothing is impossible and our world is filled with opportunities and unlimited potential. Abundance gives us the strength and stamina to continue giving, loving and compassion and eliminate that inner feeling that there's not enough for everyone. Take advantage of the Law of Attraction. Those things, people or circumstances you desire can manifest into reality by creating in your mind the end result and focus and crystalize in your mind what you desire. This is the law of visualization, Draw on you all actions and circumstances with disciplined intentions that would propel you toward your desires, believe in your heart that you will achieve what you desire. Concentrate with an unwavering faith that your desires will be met and believe that it is done as you move closer and closer with each action you take and each word you speak. Trust that it will happen and have strong faith that it's also the will of God. When our prayers align with the God's will, you will succeed in all your endeavors.

Bless Our Next Generation

Thesis 5

There are laws that exist within the context of our spiritual nature that must be adhered to in order that you may have life more abundantly (John 10:10) Our minds are wonderful tools for understanding the world, but we use them in a very limited way. We have convinced ourselves that the world of our senses, where we suffer pain and illness and watch our bodies grow old, should not be the only reality. There is a larger reality that operates according to a very different set of rules. The spiritual realm of God has laws that exist on a plane that are available to you and you are able to live within this realm along with the physical realm of the five senses. By adhering to these principles, one is able to accomplish great things. If we are to experience a life of joy, happiness and peace of mind and contentment, we must live in alignment with eternal principles. There is an abundance of everything you desire, There are no limitations except those you create in your mind. These eternal principles begin with a state of harmony with all things, most importantly, you will reap what you sow. Align yourself with the will of God. There is divine order in the universe, and we are meant to be in harmony with everyone and everything. We live in a world with unlimited abundance of all things. it's how you perceive the world; limited or plenty of all things we desire. There is A Law of attraction that has tremendous powers by affirmations and visualization and most important is the power of the spoken word. The Lord used words to create our world and we all have that power of the spoken word to manifest what we desire. Speak to your problems and demand they leave. Speak out what you want, your dreams and desires. Words have huge power and when you believe what you say, they will manifest when they align with the will of God. There exists the Law of Manifestation where man has the ability to manifest his destiny by using our consciousness to generate a positive attitude and envision yourself in that desired outcome, make all efforts to achieve that what you envision. Philippians 4:8 says "Finally brothers. whatsoever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable-if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise-dwell on these things.


Thesis 6

The secret to success consists of certain principles that must be followed. These principles must work in harmony with all other principles of success. We must control our thinking. One of the greatest laws of success states that if you think in negative terms you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results. Your subconscious mind does not decide what you feed it. It will accept any thoughts so why not think in positive terms to achieve success.  Everything that's worthwhile in life came to us free; our minds, our souls, our bodies, our dreams, our ambitions, our intelligence, our imagination, our love for family and friends and our country. All these priceless possessions are free. But the things that cost us money are very cheap and can be replaced. Mankind's biggest mistake is not appreciating our blessings. We take almost everything in our life for granted until we lose it. Do not wait until your at rock bottom to realize our past good fortune It is extremely important to set goals for your life and follow the steps and make the necessary changes in journey to life. If you do not have definitive goals, you will live like a ship without a rudder, you will wander aimlessly through life. True success happens when your desires become a burning obsession. The key that unlocks the energy necessary to achieve your goals is 'desire'. You must want something bad enough that you will set your mind to do whatever it takes to achieve those desired goals. The source of drive and energy is the personal happiness that comes from doing what you love. If you don't love what you're doing, get out before it's too late. When your vocation is your vacation you'll be the happiest man alive. The journey of life requires that you believe that who you are is God's gift to you. Who we become is your gift to God. So it is essential to focus on the development of yourself, who and what you want to become. Life is a process of becoming and success comes from being the best version of yourself. It's most important to know that you become what you think about the most. It is essential to read any and all literature addressing personal development. It's vital that we persevere through difficult and challenging times. Most people stop at the first sign of failure. Those that succeed persevere through difficult times. Success comes by doing the things most people don't want to do. Exceptional people make serious demands on themselves and sacrifice whatever it takes to achieve their dreams. Most are not willing to sacrifice what's necessary to achieve success. Drive, ambition and God's blessings is required to reach those lofty goals.


Thesis 7

Faith is believing without seeing, visualizing and believing in the attainment of desires, believing that an Infinite intelligence is our guide through life. The Bible's New Testament contains the principles of life. If we do not have faith in that Higher Power, we will fail in life. Faith in yourself and Infinite Intelligence is the foundation on which to build a joyful, successful and fulfilling life. The Bible clarifies, accentuates, and edifies all things that are important in the life of mankind. Life is a series of choices large and small and making the right choices makes all the difference in the world. If we do not have Jesus in our life, we have no spiritual guidance to show us the way. When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration and translates it to its spiritual equivalent and transmits it to Infinite Intelligence as in the case of prayer. Faith is the state of mind that may be induced or created by positive affirmations to the subconscious mind through the principle of autosuggestion. The power of autosuggestion is so immense that you're able to create the life you dream of by believing in yourself and being sure your dreams are aligned with the will of the Infinite Intelligence. All those thoughts which have been emotionalized and mixed with faith begin to translate themselves into their physical equivatant. That is both powerful and true. Man's problem is that he limits himself. Studies show that man utilizes only 15% to 20% of his brain. The other 80% is bonding with our intuition and unlimited consciousness. Simply said. "Our mental capabilities are unlimited". We limit ourselves in our mind. Our imagination alone is unlimited, we just have to utilize it. Our intuition is directly connected to spiritual powers and manifests what we create in our mind. The only limits man has are those he creates in his mind. The powers of faith, intuition, imagination and unlimited belief in ourselves can propel us into unlimited horizons.


Thesis 8

We are in a spiritual battle raging in the spiritual realm for the heart of each individual. God is trying to draw us toward Himself and His righteousness. He is trying to influence us to live consistently with Him so that His blessings can be manifested in our lives. At the same time, Satan is trying to steal our hearts away from God. God's Word reveals that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but with demonic powers of evil that also exist in our world. Our fight is not against people but the demonic powers that are influencing them. Most of us do not recognize the role the spiritual realm plays in our daily life. These forces are trying to gain inroads into our life so He can steal God's Word from us. The average person does not realize the spiritual dynamics taking place. There is much more to life than just this physical, natural, and surface level visible entities. It's so important that we recognize that we are in a spiritual battle. Your thoughts, attitudes, words and actions are either releasing the power of God in your life or releasing the power of evil. In our Bible, 1Pete 5:8 warns us to "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil comes as a roaring lion, walking about, seeking whom he may devour. "Sin is conceived in your thoughts and emotions." Every time you have a negative emotion whether it be anger, sadness, fear, strife or any other hurtful emotions, that is the devil working inside of you. Inherit the strength to fight evil at any time that it occurs in you life. the devil will flee when you pout your faith in god.

Bless Our Next Generation

Thesis 9

When you're born again into Jesus Christ, the power of God lives within you in the form of the Holy Spirit. The Trinity consists of the Father, who is Infinite Intelligence, the Son, Jesus Christ who was begotten of the Father and the holy sprit that lives within us. Jesus was in the image of God who taught us how to live, how to be and how to understand how life should be lived. Jesus died for our past and future sins and was resurrected to prove that life is eternal. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so our powers are unlimited. Jesus states in John 14:12 "Truly, truly I say unto you, whoever believes in me and the works that I do, greater works these he will do." Jesus ascended to Heaven and sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in the heart of man. The release of God's power in your life is directly proportional to how much you believe and your faith level. It is not proportional to our holiness. All of us fail and fall short in our walk with God. The issue is our faith. You get what you believe in but do not doubt. Jesus states in Mark 11:23."I tell you the truth, ,if anyone says to this mountain, Go throw yourself into the sea and do not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you that whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Your faith activates God. Your faith can only come from hearing and hearing the word of God. The Bible has the answers to the most important issues of your life. Your desire to live by the words of God is the most important choice of your life.